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How to Create an Employee Record

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You can create, amend or delete Employee Records in Verde HR. To create an Employee Record, log on to the software. Self-Serve opens automatically in My Holidays; Click on Employees (see 1 on the screenshot below) in the Top Menu, then select Employees (see 2 on the screenshot below) from the side menu this will open a new menu below the top menu, select Employee List (see 3 on the screenshot below) from that menu


Create an Employee Record

Most of the fields below are optional, any required fields are identified.

To add a new employee entry, click on the Red Add New button at the top of the Employee List (see 4 on  the screenshot  below).
The employee Details Page will open.
Type in all the required personal details of an employe

  • Employee number (see 5 on the screenshot below).
  • Title (see 6on the screenshot below).
  • First Name (see 7 on the screenshot below).
  • Last Name (see 8 on the screenshot below).
  • Employee Email Address (see 9 on the screenshot below).
    Employee e-mail addressis a required field as it is the employees Username.
  • Telephone Number (see 10 on the screenshot below)
  • Mobile numbers (see 11 on the screenshot below)
  • National Insurance No (see 12 on the screenshot below).
  • Address (see 13 on the screenshot below).
  • Town (see 14 on the screenshot below).
  • Country (see 15 on the screenshot below).
  • Post code (see 16 on the screenshot below).
  • Date of Birth (see 17 on the screenshot below).
    Date of Birth is a required field, as it is required for an employee to set his/her password.
  • Previous Name, (see 18 on the screenshot below). if there was one
  • Known As (see 19 on the screenshot below).
    This will default to first name if left blank.
  • Start Date (see 20 on the screenshot below).
    The Age and length of service fields will be automatically calculated by the software (See fields highlighted in yellow on the screenshot below) so you do not have to type in anything in the Age or Length of Service fields.
  • Upload Image (see 21 on the screenshot below) , click on the Choose File in the window to open your directory and select the image you want to use.
    Photos must be either in a jpg or pdf format.
  • E-Mail Alerts to (see 22 on the screenshot below).
    On the Job Role Page if the job is set as the active job and a manger is selected, then the manger will receive e-mail notifications for holiday requests if you want another employee or an alias e-mail address to receive a notification select it from the list in e-mail alerts to.
  • Password (see 23 on the screenshot below).
    The Password field is hidden and cannot be made visible. Employees must set their own passwords using the reset password link. To do this they will require their username (the e-mail on the system) and their Date of Birth
  • End Employment Date (see 24 on the screenshot below), If an employee has left or is planning to leave  you can set their leaving date.
  • Status (see 23 on the screenshot below)
    There a 3 types of employee status, Active i.e. they are active within the Company, Pending they are going to join in the near future, or leaver, they are no Longer associated with the Company.


  • When you have created an employee record click on the green Save button
    When create or amend an employee record, you must click on Save to save your update otherwise the record will be lost when you move to a new page or press clear to create a new record.

Amend an Employee Record

  • Select the record you wish to amend from the employee list in Employees/Employees/Employee List and press the Green Select (see X on the screenshot below) Button
    Amend the Record as outlined above.
  • When you have Amended an employee record click on the green Save button
    When amend an employee record, you must click on Save to save your update otherwise the amendments will be lost when you move to a new page or press clear to create a new record.

Delete an Employee Record

  • Select the record you wish to Delete from the employee list in Employees/Employees/Employee List and press the Green Select (see X on the screenshot below) Button.
    Press the Red Delete button (see X on the screenshot below) at the bottom of the page,
    When you delete an employee record, you must click on Save to save your update otherwise the record will be reinstated when you move to a new page or press clear to create a new record.

Video Tutorial

You can view a video tutorial here. The video opens in a new screen so you will need to return to this tab when the video has finished.

Screen Shot

If you want to increase the size of eiher of the images, click on “Open image in new tab”. Or use “pinch” if viewing on a phone or tablet.

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