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Document Search

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This feature helps users with Administration privileges to find electronic employee documents stored in Verde HR in an efficient way.
You can easily find stored documents in Verde HR. Log on to the software. Self-Serve opens automatically in My Holidays; Click on Admin (see 1x on the screenshot below) in the Top Menu, then select Documents  (see 2 on the screenshot below) from the side menu this will open a new menu below the top  menu, select Employees (see 3 on the screenshot below) from that menu

How To Search for Employee Documents

You can do simple searches for an individual employee in the File Store.

To find an employee file, you will to follow these steps:

N.B. Each field is a search parameter.
  • If you know the name of the employee whose documents you are looking for select the name from the For Employee drop down menu (see 4 on the screenshot below)
  • If you know it, you can type in the national insurance number of the employee in the Employee NI Number field (see 5 on the screenshot below)
This is helpful if you don’t know the name of the employee whose document you are looking for, or if it is a common name like, say Paul Smith.

If you know the employment status of the employee who’s document you are looking for, select the employment status of the employee from the Status drop down menu (see 6 on the screenshot below). if you are not sure select “not selected”.

If you know the date range of the document you are looking for (e.g. between 1/1/2014 and 31/12/2014) then input the date range as outlined below.

  • In  the Search Start Date field and select the first date of the date range (see x on the screenshot below).
  • In the Search End Date  field and select the last date of the date range (see 8 on the screenshot below).
You can refine the search by selecting the Folder and Sub Folder where the document was stored.
  • Select the Main Folder for the file you are looking for by selecting it from the Document Folder drop-down menu (see 9 on the screenshot below).
  • Select the Sub Folder for the file you are looking for by selecting it from the Document Subfolder drop-down menu (see 10 on the screenshot below).

Press the Current button (see 11 on the screenshot below) to execute the search.


Assuming documents were stored with the correct dates and in the appropriate folder and sub folder, a user would search for, say, sick pay documents for all active employees between 1st April 2017 and 31st March 2018 in the following way: For Employee  would be set as  everybody, The Employee NI Number field would be blank, the Status would be set as  Active, the Search Start Date would be set as 1/4/2017 and the Search End Date would be set as 1/3/2018; and the Document Folder is set as HR and the Document Subfolder is set as Sick pay. The system will produce a list of all sick pay documents dated from 1/4/2017 to 31/3/2018 for all active employees. N.B. When a search parameter field is left empty it defaults to all.

The documents the match the search criteria will be listed at the bottom of the screen (see highlighted section 12  on the screenshot below)

To conduct  a second or further document press the Clear tab (see x  on the screenshot below) to clear the search details and start again

If you want to check the content of a file click on Download (see 13  on the screenshot below), and you can either open the file on your screen or print a copy.


Screen Shot


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