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Approve or Amend a Time Sheet

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You can  amend, delete and approve, not approve, or review amn employee time sheets using the Time Sheet module form in the Employee Section of the App.
To review an employee time sheet, log on to the software. SelfServe opens automatically in My Holidays; Click on the Employees (see 1 on the screenshot below), in the Top Menu, then select Attendance (see 2 on the screenshot below) from the side menu this will open a new menu below the top  menu, select Time Sheet (see 3 on the screenshot below) from that menu. The time sheet page will load.

How to Approve a Time Sheet Entry

When a Time-Sheet is submitted from Self-Serve the status is submitted. Only those with Admin privileges can change the staus of a time sheet from submitted.
  • from the Recent Time Sheet List (see 4 on the screenshot below) on the bottom of the page select the time-sheet entry you want to amend
  • Click on the green Select button (see 5 on the screenshot below) on the entry you want to amend
  • This will open up the entry on the timesheet page
  • Go to the Status box (see 6 on the screenshot below) and set the staus as either Approved, Not Approved, Under Review or Other
  • Click on the Save tab (see 7 on the screenshot below) to save your changes
    N.B If you do not click on save, the data will be lost, once you move to another page.

How To Amend a Time Sheet Entry

As an Admin you can amend timesheet entries before approving them.

You can amend a time sheet entry as follows:

  • Click on the green  Select button (see 5 on the screenshot below) on the entry you want to amend from the ‘Time Sheet List’ on the bottom of the page.
  • This will open up the entry on the timesheet page
  • Amend the time sheet entry as follows
  • To amend the date, click on the Date field (see 8 on the screenshot below) and a calendar will show. Click on the date you want to complete a time sheet for.
    Alternatively, you can type the date in directly using the format dd/mm/yyyy, e.g. 16/06/2017
  • To amend the start time, click on the Start Time field (see 9 on the screenshot below) and select the start time of a job.
    Alternatively, you can type the time in directly using the 24-hour clock format hh:mm, e.g. 08:00.
  • To amend the end time, click on the End Time field (see 10 on the screenshot below) and select the end time of a job.
    Alternatively, you can type the time in directly using the 24-hour clock format hh:mm, e.g. 17:00.
  • To amend the overtime rate, select the rate to be paid from the drop-down menu of the Rate (see 11 on the screenshot below)
  • To amend the upaid break time, select a time for any unpaid break from the drop-down menu of the Unpaid break (see 12 on the screenshot below)
  • To amend or add notes ,type in your notes in the Notes box field (see 13 on the screenshot below) .
  • Click on the Save tab (see 7 on the screenshot below) to save your changes
N.B If you do not click on save, the data will be lost, once you move to another page.
  • The time sheet will be amended and and listed below ‘My Recent Time Sheet Activity (see 4 on the screenshot below)

How To Create a New Time Sheet Entry

As an Admin you can create time sheets on behalf of employees.
  • Click the yellow Clear tab (see 14 on the screenshot below) to take any existing data from the sheet to start a new time sheet
    You need only do this if there is data in the time sheet. If the time sheet is clear, you can start to input your data straight away.
  • Click on the Date field (see 8 on the screenshot below) and a calendar will show. Click on the date you want to complete a time sheet for. 
    Alternatively, you can type the date in directly using the format dd/mm/yyyy, e.g. 16/06/2017
  • Click on the Start Time field (see 9 on the screenshot below) and select the start time of a job.
    Alternatively, you can type the time in directly using the 24-hour clock format hh:mm, e.g. 08:00.
  • Click on the End Time field (see 10 on the screenshot below) and select the end time of a job.
    Alternatively, you can type the time in directly using the 24-hour clock format hh:mm, e.g. 17:00.
  • Select the payment factor you get paid for this job from the drop-down menu of the Pay Rate (see 11 on the screenshot below)
  • Select a length of time, in minutes, for your unpaid break from the drop-down menu of the Unpaid break  (see 12 on the screenshot below)
  • Type in any notes you want to make in the Notes box field (see 13 on the screenshot below)
  • Click on the Save tab (see 7 on the screenshot below) to save your data.
N.B If you do not click on save, the data will be lost, once you move to another page.
If the pay structure has been set up correctly, then the time sheet will automatically calculate an hourly rate from, say, an annual salalry when you run a report. If you don’t have a value on the report go to pay in employees and assign an active rate to the employee, if the cash value is still not showing, go to Pay Structures in Admin and open and resave the active pay structure.


  • The time sheet entry will be created and listed below ‘My Recent Time Sheet Activity (see 4 on the screenshot below)

 How To Delete a Time Sheet

  • Click on the yellow  Select button (see 14 on the screenshot below) on the entry you want to delete from the ‘Time Sheet List’ on the bottom of the page.
  • The time sheet will load.
  • Click on the Delete tab shaded in red (see 15 on the screenshot below). This will delete the time sheet entry.
    N.B. Deleted timesheet records can not be recovered.

Screen Shot

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