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How to Create an E-Mail Alias

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You can create e-mail aliases. To create an e-mail alias, log on to the software. Self-Serve opens automatically in My Holidays; Click on Admin (see 1 on the screenshot below) in the Top Menu, then select Company Details (see 2 on the screenshot below) from the side menu this will open a new menu below the top  menu, select e-mails (see 3 on the screenshot below) from that menu

Create an e-mail alias

An e-mail alias is an e-mail address that doesn’t belong to a system user. E.G. admin@… or hr@… These aliases can be created so alerts, such as holiday requests can be sent to the alias address as well as manangers and other employees.

You can create an e-mal alias  as follows:

Open the Company  page in Admin/Company Details/E-mails as outlined above.
When the e-mails page opens, you can create or edit e-mail aliases.

Type in the following  information:

  • Name (see 4 on the screenshot below) this is the name e.g. Admin, HR
  • E-mail (see 5 on the screenshot below)
  • Press Update to save any changes or additions (see 6 on the screenshot below)
N.B If you do not click on update, any changes will be lost, once you move to another page.
  • If you want to create another e-mail alias press Clear (see 7 on the screenshot below), this will clear the form and you can create an e-mail alias as outlined above

Amend an E-mail Alias

If you want to amend an e-mail alias:

Select the e-mail alias you want to amend from the E-Mail Alias list (see 8 on the screenshot below)

Press Select (see 9 on the screenshot below) on the record you want to amend , this will populate the form with the details of that e-mail alias

Amend the form and press Update to save any changes or additions (see 6 on the screenshot below)

N.B If you do not click on update, any changes will be lost, if you clet the form, open another record or move to another page.

Delete an E-mail Alias

If you want to delete an e-mail alias:

Select the e-mail alias you want to delet from the E-Mail Alias list (see 8 on the screenshot below)

Press Select (see 9 on the screenshot below) on the record you want t odelete , this will populate the form with teh details of that e-mail alias

Press Delete to delete thae e-mail alias (see 10 on the screenshot below)

When you deletean e-mail alias, you must click on Update to save your update  otherwise the record will be reinstated when you move to a new page or press clear to create a new record.

Screen Shot

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