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Add Company Documents

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You can upload shared company documents in the Admin section of Verde HR. To upload a shared company document, log on to the software. It will automatically open in Self-Serve on the My Holidays page; Click on Admin (see 1 on the screenshot below) in the Top Menu, then select Documents (see 2 on the screenshot below) from the side menu this will open a new menu below the top  menu, select Company (see 3  on the screenshot below) from that menu.
N.B. any document uploaded to the Company Documents folder can be seen by any user who has access to your Company Documents in Self-Serve. You can not resstict access to certain Self-Serve users. Only upload documents you are happy for all users to see.

How to upload documents to the Company Documents folder

  • Go to the File Search bar (see 4  on the screenshot below) this will open up your directory go to the appropriate Directory/Sub Directory and select the file you want to upload.
  • Double clicking on the selected document
  • Click on the Upload tab (see 5 on the screenshot below) to upload and save the document on the system
  • The uploaded document will be listed at the bottom of the screen (see highlighted section 6  on the screenshot below)
  • To upload a second or further document press the Clear tab (see 7  on the screenshot below) to clear the file details and start again
To maintain relaible audit trails, uploaded files can not be altered or overwritten.  If you upload the same file more than once, it will create a new version with a version number of the original file.
  • If you only want to see the most recent version of a file in the file list press  No  on Show all versions (see 8  on the screenshot below)
  • If you only want to see all versions of a file in the file list press  Yes  on Show all versions (see 9  on the screenshot below)
If you want to check the content of a file click on Download (see 10  on the screenshot below), and you can either open the file on your screen or print a copyk.

Screen Shot

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