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Add an Asset to the Asset Register

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Using the Add Add an Asset to the Asset Register feature in Verde HR,  you can  add Assets to the Asset Register, which can then be assigned to an employee or a group of employees.
You can add an asset to the Asset Register the Admin section of Verde HR. To add an asset, log on to the software. It will automatically open in Self-Serve on the My Holidays page; Click on Admin (see 1 on the screenshot below) in the Top Menu, then select Assets (see 2 on the screenshot below) from the side menu this will open a new menu below the top  menu, select Asset Register (see 3  on the screenshot below) from that menu.

How to Add an Asset to the Asset Register

  • Type in a unique name for the Asset in the   Unique Asset Name field (see 4 on the screenshot below),
We recommend a unique name, so iPhone X will not be sufficient if any other assets in the Asset Register are iphone X’s,. we suggest you add a unique feature such as the Serial Number, or the Asset Register Number, e.g iphone X  XXKRFTYYTVM5
  • Optional Type in a description of the asset in the Asset Description field (see 5 on the screenshot below)
The following fields are optional, but offer more granularity when describing assets.
  • There are 3 rows with 2 columns namely the Asset Identifier fields (see 6 highlighted in orange on the screenshot below)  Asset Description  fields  (see 7 highlighted in blue on the screenshot below)
You can type in a brief description or label in the 3 Asset Identifier fields e.g. Model Name, Serial Number Model Number.  In the 3 Asset Description Fields, you can type in the information connect to the identifier field, e.g  iphone X for Model Name, 123 for Serial Number, 456G  for Model Number.
The following 6 fields are optional, and will depend on whether your accountant wants to use the Asset Register to hold the value of your Asets.
  • Select the date you purchased the asset in the  Purchase Date  field (see x  on the screenshot below)
You can input a date by either using the calendar or typing it in using the format dd/mm/yyyy.
  • Type in what you paid for the asset in the  Purchase Value  field (see 8 on the screenshot below)
  • Type in in how many months you are going to review the value of the asset in the Asset Review Field (see 9  on the screenshot below)
  • Type in over how many months you are going to depreciate the asset in the Asset Depreciate Field (see 10  on the screenshot below)
  • Type in the Book Value of the asset in the Current Value Field (see 11  on the screenshot below)
  • If you have sold the asset or know what its market value is type that figure in to the Sale Value field (see 12 on the screenshot below)
  • Click on Save (see x  on the screenshot below) to save the details you have entered for the asset
N.B If you do not click on save, the the asset record will be lost, once you clear the form to add another asset, or move to another page.

How to Add, Amend or Delete an Asset Record

  • To add additional assets, click on the Clear button (see x on the screenshot below) This will clear the data from the form and you can add  another asset, as outlined above
  • If you want to view or edit any of the assetsin the Asset Register, you will find them listed at the bottom of the screen under Our Assetst, (see highlighted section x on the screenshot below)
  • Click Select (see section x  on the screenshot below) on the asset you would like to view or edit,. You can change the information by rewriting it as outlined above.
  • You can delete completely any asset by selecting the asset  from the Our Assets list at the bottom of the screen, (see highlighted section x on the screenshot below) and pressing the Delete button (see section 12 on the screenshot below).
When you delete an asset, you must click on Save to save your update  otherwise the asset will be reinstated when you move to a new page or press clear to create a new record.

Screen Shot

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